Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Royal Winnipeg Ballet presents Peter Pan

With the generous support of my mom, we were able to surprise Alex and Kristin with a night at the Ballet. Kristin started taking dance classes since we have arrived here in Winnipeg and her dance school was offering the opportunity to purchase tickets at a group rate so we thought about it and decided to go. IT WAS MAGICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have wonderful friends, Allison and Chris who babysat Nathan as no babies are allowed. We got the kids all dressed up and they had no idea where they were going. The drive downtown was beautiful as all the street lights were up and they go ALL out for Christmas here. (Gotta have something to be excited about in these temperatures. Ha!Ha!) When we arrived at the concert hall and they saw the posters we told them what we were doing and they were so excited! It was so much fun to hear Kristin whisper "Wow" and "I wish I could dance like that". By the middle of the first act, Alex asked Richard if we could come again sometime. I knew Kristin would enjoy it but I wasn't sure about Alex but he loved it too. We weren't allowed to take any pictures of the performance but took a few before it started to try to have something to remember it by.

Just before the curtains opened

All of us anxiously awaiting the beginning.

Almost time!!

Up on A Housetop

Our first event of the Christmas Season was Alex's school Christmas Concert. It was called Once on a Housetop and they put on quite a performance. The school that Alex attends is extremely ethnically diverse with maybe even 6 or 7 different ethnicities in his classroom. The play was about Chimney Sweeps peeking in and seeing many of the different celebrations that take place this time of year from Chinese New Year to Kwanza. Alex's class sang 2 songs, 1 English and 1 French. I have included some of the French one in the form of a video here and just the one picture. He is in the middle row, closest to the conductor in the photo and the one having trouble with his Santa Hat in the video. HA!HA!